Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Vol 5, Iss 1, Year 2022

Ceramic materials - the nano phosphors

Sree latha K
Department of Physics, Ch.S.D.St Theresa’s (A) College For Women - Eluru, W.G.Dt - 534003.
Neelima G N S
Department of Physics, Ch.S.D.St Theresa’s (A) College For Women - Eluru, W.G.Dt - 534003.

Published 2022-04-11

How to Cite

Sree latha K, & G N S, N. . (2022). Ceramic materials - the nano phosphors. Nanoscale Reports, 5(1), 4 – 5. https://doi.org/10.26524.nr.5.2


In recent years the phrase nano has become popular in several fields. It is a catch phrase for obtaining research funding, a hot topic for holding seminars and symposia. The popularity can be gauged from the fact that several consumer products, which include a car,use the phrase nano. However, promising and hoping for good results is one thing and achieving them is another. Several projects failed as these promises could not be kept and hopes dashed.


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