Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022): Vol 5, Iss 3, Year 2022

Chilean Export of Lithium Carbonate: Production Chain and Market Variables

Daniel Alamos-Pichuncheo
Facultad de Ingenierìay Tecnologìa, Universidad San Sebastián, Bellavista 7, Santiago-8420524, Chile.
Barbara Valenzuela K
Unidad de Postgrado y Negocios, Universidad Mayor, Manuel Montt 367, Santiago-8340589, Chile.
Andrés Soto-Bubert
Facultad de Ingenierìay Tecnologìa, Universidad San Sebastián, Bellavista 7, Santiago-8420524, Chile.
Roberto Acevedo
Facultad de Ingenierìay Tecnologìa, Universidad San Sebastián, Bellavista 7, Santiago-8420524, Chile

Published 2022-10-08


  • Chile; Lithium Carbonate; Export; Gravity Model.

How to Cite

Daniel Alamos-Pichuncheo, Barbara Valenzuela K, Andrés Soto-Bubert, & Roberto Acevedo. (2022). Chilean Export of Lithium Carbonate: Production Chain and Market Variables. Nanoscale Reports, 5(3), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.26524.nr.5.7


The lithium carbonate, presents an increase in price and demand, however, there is not studies where an equation is proposed that allows modeling the Chilean exported behavior of the mineral. This study is put forward an equation that allows to model the lithium carbonate exports in addition to identify the most influence variables in the commercial exchange of that product between two countries, using the extended gravitational model. The estimated model is not consistent with the gravitational model theory. This is because lithium carbonate is a manufacturing input and the costs of transporting and importing do not influence the volume that is imported. This research has opened new study proposal; such as improve the lithium carbonate export estimation taking into consideration the problem of zero observations.


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